KAJABI + Product Templates - Let's talk about making them look good and branding

course setup inside pennys head kajabi templates

What does the inside of your course or membership look like?

Does it match the rest of your site, your brand, personality and style? 

Is it set up so that it's easy for your students/members to navigate, or are they wasting valuable time getting lost?  Would you even know this --- or are you just assuming they're all ok?

TIP --> if you think all computer users know what breadcrumbs are, and that they'd naturally know to use those to move around your site.... then you have a problem.  And if that's the ONLY navigation you've provided your users (because that's how the 'Premier Product Theme' comes)... then chances are they'll be frustrated moving around.

You see... getting your content created and uploaded into a Kajabi product is really just the beginning.

You also need to strategize over how your users will be consuming your content:

  • all at once
  • dripped out in stages
  • will all lessons/posts have a video
  • will some only have a text area or contain audio files
  • will you have many many lessons...
  • a community group,
  • do they need to go to extra lessons that are part of another product (please don't send them to the library area first - this should be a direct link from within the current product.)
  • will they need a quick start lesson or a welcome video that walks them through how to use your program, how to find their way around?

Once you've worked out your strategy, and what you need to make your course/membership functional... then you'll need to work on the aesthetics side of things.

The number one goal of your course or membership program is help your users achieve some kind of a transformation - it's up to you to make this as easy as you possibly can for them.

The top 2 areas I see course creators making a mistake here are:

1. The Navigation

2. The look and feel of the portal or course area.

Did you know there are many in the online world that will tell you 'ugly' sells, and there's no need to beautify your content because it's a waste of time and won't make you any more money?

Hmmm, they obviously never met my English Teacher (that story is in the video)....😱


......whilst that may be partly true for e-books that are solving problems that thousands of people are searching for... it's not always true for your mini-course on teaching your dog to come when called.  I for one would be more pulled towards a page showing cute dog images with those big adoring puppy eyes, than just text with red and yellow bold bits, that goes on and on forever massaging my pain points. Sometimes a picture can say just as much as words.

There are some people in the world that are visual 'engagers', some that are avid readers, and some again that learn by listening best.  And then there are the few that aren't really bothered about the learning at all - they just want to know they got a bargain (we call this type price-shoppers - note to self, they don't care what your product looks like).

We are all different... and if you want to 'engage' all types of learners or potential clients... then what's the harm in making stuff visually look good as well? Why not make it as enjoyable for a viewer to read and look at as you possibly can?

I mean seriously... why would you want the price-shoppers? 
And I can say this nicely as my Mum is one (sorry mum if you read this)... she's more interested in getting the best deal, you know the 2 for one offer, or the lowest discount she can find (after hours of trawling all over the countryside, looking at mail brochures, and in the last few years we can now add "looking on the internet" as well...).  I don't want my mum as my ideal client avatar.... so I won't cater to her 'psyche'. 

However, I do want the Apple shoppers.

Not the people that buy green apples...DOH... the people that buy shiny, silver, make my life easy, Apples LOL!!!

Apple computer customers are into aesthetics. They love the look, the packaging and the whole experience of buying an Apple product JUST AS MUCH AS THE PRODUCT ITSELF!!! Hmmm.... and guess what, there's no price-shoppers amongst Apple customers. They hand their Credit Cards over without flinching, and don't mind paying more ---> because the product itself is an experience.

Are you starting to get the picture here?

If you can make your product (Course, membership etc) an experience... one that's a joy to be in both visually, and because of your expert content...., then you can start to attract those customers who appreciate the finer details... and who may even pay more for the experience.

But how do we make a Kajabi Product look fabulous?

  1. Start with your branding - make sure you have your colors, fonts, and logo all in place.
  2. Imagery - put lots in! Text can get overwhelming when there's lots to read. So if you have text areas be sure to break it up often.
  3. Videos - ok so we know videos are great, and people like watching them... but it can get challenging when Kajabi's setup is one video per one lesson.  What if you want to add one more little snippet in to your training and show it on a video... without having to create a whole other lesson? Simple - use something like Loom videos to embed the code right into your post/lesson area. That way you can still have your main video up top, with a quick mini lesson below.
  4. Navigation - I can't drive this one home enough folks. Use the navigation menu links (Website > Design > Navigation). Create new menu's for everything - don't be lazy. Think about where your student may need to go whilst their inside your course or membership - make it super easy for them.

And if all of this is sounding like it's hard to do - I want to assure you it's not. Will it take a little more of your time --> yes.  But in the long run it will be worth it.

Give your students something they'll rave about. Make it enjoyable for them... and they'll come back for me.

If you're needing some Kajabi 'know-how' - then I do have a "Fill-In-The-Gaps" Kajabi training course for the basics.  And if you really want to make your courses or memberships shine, then you may be interested in my Custom Product Themes/Templates... or my training on creating an amazing Membership Area -- HERE.

Have fun getting creative my friends!!!



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