KAJABI + Online Courses | What Topics Can I Build an Online Digital Course on?

digital online course online courses
Amy Porterfield Digital Course Academy on laptop mockup

I was rearranging some dropbox folders today and fondly remembering some of the projects I've been so lucky to have worked on, when it hit me.....

What do Elementary School Teachers, Egyptian oriental dancers, EFT practitioners, Sex therapists, Voice Coaches, Fashion Stylists, Intuitive Healers, Chiropractors, Dog Trainers, Attorneys and Neuropsychologists all have in common?


Seriously the vast array of topics for digital courses that I see on a daily basis completely reaffirms in my mind that literally EVERYONE has a digital course inside them!!!

I'll never forget the 1:1 Kajabi coaching session I had with Scott Sears, who was just the nicest guy and wanted help sorting out his Kajabi site...(actually he was helping his wife, Jamie, out and getting it setup for her).  He had most of it down pat but wanted to walk through it with me to make sure all the moving parts were connected.

When he casually mentioned that they had a list of over 20,000 teachers I think I choked on my latte... Wait, what? Didn't you say your wife was an elementary school teacher and you guys were creating resources for other teachers and now building out courses.... that's a BIG list for a mum with 5 kids and not a whole lot of time on her hands!!!!

Next thing I knew Jamie Sears is on Amy Porterfield’s podcast! (Go have a listen HERE)
Chatting to Amy about how in her course launch they sold over 2000 courses @ $97, and added an extra 7000 emails to their list. 

That's amazing - what an achievement. 

As Jamie said - it certainly didn't happen overnight, there was a lot of "post-it note" walls, late nights, sweat and tears... but after doing Amy's Digital Course Academy all the pieces started to fall into play and her dream of being able to help so many other fellow teachers (as well as all the students) finally came to fruition.

Now it all made sense.
No wonder Scott and his wife Jamie were kicking butt, they were students of Amy’s!!!!

Why am I telling you this?

Because I want the same for you. All you need is the courage to share what you know with the people who desperately want to learn it. 

And what about all those topics I refer to above.... yes, I've worked with all of those Course creators... and there is literally a course topic on just about everything.

It's so cool thinking that you not only have knowledge inside your head that could make someone's day, but also change their life!!!

So are you interested in creating a course?
Is there a skill you have that others ask you about all the time? 
Let's break down some of those topics...

Here's a handful of what I've seen digital courses created on so far:

  • How to help someone over their grief of a lost one.
  • Tarot readings and Awakening Your Consciousness
  • How to have presence using your voice
  • How to stop overeating
  • How to learn yoga
  • How to Become a Sensual Baladi Goddess
  • Learn how to meal prep
  • Learn how to lose weight through Metabolic Balancing
  • Learn how to style yourself
  • How to get over money blocks
  • How to change your brain and work "In The Zone"
  • How to use essential oils

And the list goes on and on....

Have a think about what you know or what you feel passionate about and would love to help others achieve or learn... and let me know in the comments, would love to hear about your ideas!

What about if you've nailed your idea and you're ready to get it out to the World... where do you start.. what do you do first?

Well I have some good news… Amy Porterfield has created a program that literally walks you through the process of creating your own digital course, and getting it out there - baby step by baby step.  

AND... the cart for Digital Course Academy is officially OPEN! 

Digital Course Academy™️ is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to create and deliver your online course like a pro — but how to get it into the hands of dozens or even hundreds of customers every month.

Yay - who doesn't want that!!!

I want you to know that you too can be a digital course success story even if…  

… you struggle to believe you can teach others. 
… you’ve got no course idea and no clue where to start. 
… (especially if) you’re a time-starved online business owner stuck on the hampster wheel of trading time for money. 

Go here to learn more about DCA! >>

Ok my friend here it is: you’ve got a unique opportunity right now to get yourself a piece of a soon to be $325 Billion digital course industry pie

There’s never been a better time to get started and there’s no better teacher than the one and only Amy Porterfield. ⇐ a woman who’s made over $12 million from 8 digital courses and spent 10 years refining a proven process to help you do the same.
(Yeah that figure still blows my mind too!!!)

via GIPHY  

The cart is officially open (but not for long) for Amy’s signature program Digital Course Academy. The most comprehensive program there is for creating, launching and selling your digital course. 

Have a wonderful day... and remember to enjoy the journey!!!


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