What Do You Mean You Can't Read My Mind?


Hmmm..... because I'm NOT a mind reader?

Here's the thing, as you get busier and the need to outsource some of your work rises to the top of your To Do List.... there's some things you might want to consider when working with Virtual Assistants - especially in the specialised field of course creation....  To make this easier to read, I've compiled a handy list for you


  1. They CAN'T see what it's in your mind -

    โ˜ž so when you're explaining something, whether it's in writing or verbally, think about how clear you're making it for someone else to understand. 
  2. Think about this.... 

    โ˜ž you're more often than not paying by the hour, and the last thing either of you want is to work on a task that both parties have a completely different idea on.  That's just a super waste of time and funds for you both.  So the more detail you can give the better, and in the order that you want things finished.
  3. Send over links.... 

    โ˜ž to websites or pdf's or images that you like to give your VA an idea....but be sure to tell him/her what it is about the other website that you like, ie colour, layout, fonts, words used etc.
  4. Tell him/her about your target audience, 

    โ˜ž and what the outcome will be for potential participants if they do your course....knowing this will help in even choosing the right icons, graphics and typefaces.  Casual has a certain look and so does Corporate - getting the look and feel right can go along way in making your potential customers feel they're in the right place.
  5. Give deadlines. 

    โ˜ž This is crucial in the online course creation world - after all you're probably chomping at the bit to get your new business up and running, so definitely fill your VA in on what your timeframe expectations are.  That way if there needs to be some extra hours slipped in at midnight to get that Sales Landing Page finished everyone can be pitching in! 

In a nutshell - your time is precious and so is your Virtual Assistant's.... so make sure you utilise every second of it and get your amazing New Kajabi course completed by your deadline!

Feel free to reach out to see if any of my services can help you achieve your goals ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


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